Hello...women of all ages!
My name is Cindy Heath and I am a health educator. I have a passion for knowledge, attitudes & ways of thinking & being that create higher levels of health and well being in people. I have spent the last 10 years beyond my Nursing career "inside the hospital doors", becoming educated in public health to inspire higher levels of health on a "day to day" basis to prevent illness & disease. I just think this is a SMART approach towards optimum health. I worked 15 years in the hospital system that was dedicated to healing people after they were sick [although I like to do this too], I prefer to guide individuals to ways that can help to maintain health over the years, and help prevent the opportunity for lower levels of health to take hold.
Finally, a place to talk about how REAL Beautiful you are. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of the illusions of perfection created in the media that continue to negatively impact the health and well being of women of all ages, mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. Eating disorders are just one of the many calling cards that represent the devastating role some media can play in lowering levels of well being & increasing suffering in women. Let's STOP the pain & suffering together.
My biggest secret to over-power the negative health impact the media can have on my sense of worth & well being is SELF LOVE & BALANCE. My latest campaign challenges women of all ages to make a statement to the world that they are "Not Perfect & REAL Beautiful". I have designed a REAL Beautiful ring to be a symbolic reminder to all the women who wear it that they are REAL Beautiful. I am hoping women all over the world will begin to celebrate their own uniqueness, REAL Beauty, power, purpose & possibilities.
SHARE YOUR STORY with me here on this blog and help to empower other women with the ideas & approaches that work for you...you just may save a life from unnecessary suffering! Make a difference and stand stronger than the power of the media. Let's not allow the media to make women sick any more!!! REMEMBER THIS: Through air brushing & computer technologies alone, it is possible for an advertiser to create any image they want to sell their products...heck, models really aren't even necessary any more, and we are fully aware of how well SEX SELLS. Let's do our part to turn this phenomenon around for all the little women that are following our footsteps. Let's remember and pass this knowledge along as often as we can; a computer program can create a flawless & perfect illusion [yes..., no cellulite, no freckles, bulging breasts and perfectly glowing skin & hair] at the click of a button. Tell a young girl this message today & every opportunity you get...show her & teach her through your own demonstration of Self Love every day, that she is REAL Beautiful...just like YOU!!
SEND A PICTURE to successfulminds@rogers.com and I may post it on my Real Beautiful People Dedication Page...[please no pictures showing cleavage/exposure...let's show the world we are REAL Beautiful without giving ourselves away]. I will be adding my Successful Minds Award Winners on this dedication page [this year's winner is on the page already]. Since there will be younger, impressionable little women on this page as well, I am really wanting to send a good, strong message that we are REAL Beautiful without bending to the pressures of the media.
I have always felt compelled to raise levels of well being in females more passionately then males...sorry guys, ...all I can say is the fact that I have six daughters may have influenced the direction of this PASSION & FOCUS!!
I am the first to admit "I Am Not Perfect...I Am REAL Beautiful"...who will be the next?
Be REAL Beautiful,